MAY 18 2023 - Hydrogenexpo

We thank you on behalf of all the staff of 3P SAFETY AND FSE PROGETTI for having participated in our initiative in large numbers. The conference in its second edition brought the first experiences and projects already implemented as evidence that hydrogen can become a real alternative and option in the global panorama of renewable energies.
Fill out the form that you will find at the bottom to download the material of the speakers who took part.
Restiamo a vostra disposizione per approfondire i nostri servizi legati alla filiera dell’idrogeno o in altri ambiti industriali di vostro interesse.
Hydrogen Expo 2022
We are present as exhibitors at STAND 30-A at the first Italian fair entirely dedicated to hydrogen technologies
Changes in ATEX regulations in HVACR sector
Free technical workshop
Save the date: MILAN, 12 APRIL
Use of new flammable refrigerants on refrigeration systems
The use of new flammable refrigerants on refrigeration systems and heat pumps represents a new risk, little known by manufacturers, designers, installers and users.
The new EN 378 family regulations extended the possibility of using new design refrigerants such as those classified A2L (moderately flammable), in addition to defining technical requirements relating to design, construction and certification in directive PED 2014/68/EU, machinery 2006/42/EC and ATEX 2014/34/EU.
The recent changes in ATEX regulations such as the new ISO EN 80079-36/37 for mechanical equipment also represent an opportunity in the international context with the IECEX scheme.
ATEX and PED Directives were elaborated according to the new NFL (New Framework Legislation) and explained and specified the obligations for all economic operators (manufacturers, authorised representatives, importers and distributors), still not well-known and not often applied today.
The technical workshop promoted by Globe Group in cooperation with 3P SAFETY, DNV GL and the Patrizia Pugliese Law Firm provides an overview and solutions to be adopted along the whole chain, from design and certification, installation and maintenance of machines and plants.
Mr Matteo Pettenuzzo – 3P SAFETY – Senior ATEX MD PED Consultant
Ms. Patrizia Pugliese – Patrizia Pugliese Law Firm
Mr. Livio Riitto – DNV GL – Product Assurance Manager
USI – Italian safety association in explosion risk areas
14:00 Registration and reception of participants
14:30 Greetings and presentation of speakers
14:35 Changes in ATEX regulations and new EN 378 family: opportunities and application in HVAC-R systems– Matteo Pettenuzzo 3P SAFETY
15:25 Manufacturer delegation processes, roles and responsibilities of importers and distributors – Patrizia Pugliese
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 Integrated ATEX and PED certification and the IECEX scheme opportunities for mechanical devices – Livio Riitto – DNV GL
17:00 Questions by the audience and debate
17:30 Aperitif
Download the programme in PDF format
REACH: 7 new substances added to be candidate list
On 15 January 2018, seven new very worrying substances were included in the candidate list and the Bisphenol A (BPA) item was updated after the SVHC identification process due to its endocrine disrupting properties.
7 substances that will shortly be added, namely:
- Chrysene (EC 205-923-4; CAS 218-01-9);
- Benz(a)anthracene (EC 200-280-6; CAS 56-55-3, 1718-53-2);
- Cadmium nitrate (EC 233-710-6, 638-751-7; CAS 10022-68-1, 10325-94-7);
- Cadmium hydroxide (EC 244-168-5; CAS 21041-95-2);
- Cadmium carbonate (EC 208-168-9; CAS 513-78-0);
- 1,6,7,8,9,14,15,16,17,17,18,18-Dodecachloropentacyclo [,9 .02,13.05,10 ]octadeca-7,15-diene (EC 236-948-9; CAS 13560-89-9) better known as Decholrane Plus;
- Reaction product between 1,3,4-thiazolidine-2,5-dione, formaldehyde and 4-heptylphenol linear or branched (with a weight concentration ≥ 0,1% of linear or branched 4-heptylphenol).
Apart from these substances, the Bisphenol A item will also be updated; already present in the Candidate List due to its reproduction toxicity and, as an endocrine disrupter, it can cause considerable negative effects to human health.
A note on Dechlorane Plus: it is a crystalline organic compound in powder used as a flame retardant additive due to its high chlorine content and higher thermal stability than the other chlorinated flame retardants.
The new edition of the European Guide to Machinery Directive
The 2.1 edition of the Guide to Machinery directive 2006/42/EC was published on the European Commission’s website last July. (G.U.E. no. C183 of 9 June 2017)
The second European directive edition, which regulates the use of machinery, has been in force since 29 December 2009 (the first dates back to 1989): workers’ health and safety and free movement of machinery in the European common market are at the centre of crucial regulatory importance.
The Guide provides clarification on many key concepts contained in the directive in a way that ensures homogeneous application throughout Europe. The European Guide has no legal validity and the new version is currently only available in English. Nevertheless, it represents an essential element of evaluation to become part of the procedure of supervisory bodies, and by the market as the interpretative and applicative reference point that all players must know, from machinery manufacturers to distributors and importers, from notified bodies to the health and standardisation authorities, up to the market and administrative supervisory authorities.
The guideline can be downloaded from the following link:
ISO standard finally approved
The FDIS vote procedure that led to final approval of the new Standard ISO 45001 “Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use” was completed on 26 January 2018, the first certifiable ISO standard on Management systems for occupational health and safety.
The Final Draft had 93% of favourable votes from ISO "P-Members".
The ISO 45001 standard will be published officially on 15 March 2018.
21 Countries made editorial comments. Comments that the Working group will examine in the coming weeks in view of the document’s final publication which, according to ISO, should take place next March.
The standard respects the common structure of the standards on management systems such as ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 9001 (quality), taking into account other industry standards including OHSAS 18001, ILO-OSH guidelines, various national standards and international labour standards and the International Labour Organization conventions.