The partner with whom to manage your workers’ health and safety
We know your reality, we talk to your operators, supervisors and managers, we monitor your company, analyse the causes and agree the actions.
With its staff 3p Safety offers a service of continued, structured assistance for companies that need an external HSE Manager – RSPP or with HSE Staffing formula (support for company functions already present and appointed)

- We continuously monitor the legislative cogency applicable to your company
- Through continuous technical audits we verify your compliance level in the field and establish with you how to improve safety in the field

- We manage and maintain the risk assessment in compliance with TU Security and OHSAS 18001 – ISO 45001
- We define the operational and strategic improvement plans with company management

- Safety means continuous innovation and improvement based on what happens and on the technological developments
Continuous, structured assistance in order to better manage health and safety
3p Safety can provide an RSPP assistance service by both appointment and staffing, dynamically and practically managing all the obligations laid down by D.Lgs. 81/08 and the best practices and further exploration required by OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001.
- Continuous audits and regulatory controls, notifications of any non-compliance and improvement actions
- risk assessment and drafting of the Risk Assessment Document (DVR) in OHSAS 18001
- continuous assistance and consultancy structured for the Prevention and Protection service
- assumption of the role of External Prevention and Protection Service Manager (RSPP and ASPP)
- Drafting and management of training and information plans
- Technical, legal and administrative advice for safety and accidents
- Assistance for management of occupational health and safety: control and updating of risks assessment, planning preventive and protection actions, drafting of operating procedures, regulatory update, control of the documentation on management of the works outsourced.
- Preliminary assessment of plants and machinery and management of evident defects